Hospitality EPOS & built-in booking system

Hospitality EPOS & loyalty CRM

Hospitality EPOS & loyalty CRM

Hospitality EPOS &

loyalty CRM

Tabology tablet EPOS & booking system
Hospitality iPad EPOS, swipe interface
Hospitality iPad EPOS, swipe interface

Industry leading EPOS

  • Faster, better service with our intuitive POS system
  • Higher profits with industry-leading stock management & reporting
  • Increase sales by driving loyalty & encouraging spend
  • Save time & money with an easy to use back office & hospitality suite

Pub loyalty scheme, email  offer, push notification & member pass in Apple Wallet

With built-in loyalty & CRM

  • Sign up loyalty members from your website, back office, or on the POS
  • Members scan their Apple or Google wallet passes at the till to earn points, or access exclusive promotions
  • Filter members by how often they visit your venue, how much they spend, or what they've previously purchased
  • Send push notifications, SMS, or email campaigns with targeted offers, events or promotions
  • Sell digital gift cards, redeemed at the till through a scan of a QR code

Pub loyalty scheme - email offer, push notification, member pass in Apple Wallet
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